Market - Countries

A country based entity.

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Entity Last Price Change % High Low Market Cap Volume P/E Ratio
Afghanistan (AFG) 1.50 14.11% 3.08 0.15 307.50 766 28.79
Aland Islands (ALA) 11.25 0.00% 73.65 0.01 7,830.00 1531 48.03
Albania (ALB) 3.65 37.74% 4.36 1.27 1,163.35 875 16.62
Algeria (DZA) 11.43 -12.01% 35.06 1.00 7,189.47 1573 39.39
American Samoa (ASM) 1.32 10.00% 1.32 0.92 264.00 400 25.65
Andorra (AND) 1.43 0.00% 4.86 0.50 326.04 590 45.14
Angola (AGO) 4.96 74.04% 4.96 1.00 1,875.30 876 12.44
Anguilla (AIA) 0.79 -19.39% 0.98 0.04 161.95 807 32.47
Antarctica (ATA) 1.84 68.81% 1.84 0.77 198.72 439 65.76
Antigua and Barbuda (ATG) 2.22 -2.63% 3.08 1.12 1,871.88 1403 6.33
Argentina (ARG) 4.84 0.00% 5.99 1.00 3,373.48 2041 6.51
Armenia (ARM) 5.22 20.00% 5.22 1.00 756.90 534 41.99
Aruba (ABW) 1.65 142.65% 2.60 0.68 990.00 668 4423.78
Australia (AUS) 29.00 294.27% 29.00 0.97 5,829.00 2710 24.97
Austria (AUT) 8.62 0.00% 9.11 1.52 2,405.04 993 21.03
Azerbaijan (AZE) 1.55 8.39% 1.55 1.02 1,284.95 750 11.85
Bahamas (BHS) 6.00 0.00% 14.00 0.40 4,668.00 1212 8.93
Bahrain (BHR) 2.68 78.67% 10.00 0.01 659.28 564 24.96
Bangladesh (BGD) 7.99 9.00% 7.99 0.00 3,159.23 980 13.75
Barbados (BRB) 9.35 0.00% 9.35 0.01 7,134.05 1048 8.59
Belarus (BLR) 0.68 -53.10% 1.45 0.42 311.44 619 16.03
Belgium (BEL) 3.00 0.00% 2.50 1.57 912.00 393 20.78
Belize (BLZ) 6.12 0.00% 7.65 0.22 4,877.64 913 27.54
Benin (BEN) 1.37 0.00% 1.37 1.37 275.37 200 47.13
Bermuda (BMU) 0.37 -63.00% 1.99 0.37 182.04 859 6.66
Bhutan (BTN) 1.27 7.63% 1.27 0.40 753.11 653 9.08
Bolivia (BOL) 5.32 24.88% 5.32 0.76 1,776.42 676 23.12
Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) 5.00 25.00% 5.00 0.89 2,004.00 1097 22.99
Botswana (BWA) 1.60 21.21% 1.60 0.90 500.80 613 16.67
Bouvet Island (BVT) 1.84 -20.00% 13.75 0.01 804.08 627 78.66
Brazil (BRA) 1.80 -48.57% 150.00 0.20 941.40 1968 10.15
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT) 2.31 41.72% 2.31 0.01 1,386.00 600 4.23
Brunei Darussalam (BRN) 3.73 -16.74% 4.48 1.28 1,796.48 754 23.75
Bulgaria (BGR) 12.96 0.00% 18.00 1.50 5,015.52 1051 28.54
Burkina Faso (BFA) 1.42 8.40% 1.42 0.50 734.14 472 14.94
Burundi (BDI) 106.17 -20.00% 132.71 0.63 33,018.87 44 2037.37
Cambodia (KHM) 5.54 11.02% 5.54 1.20 1,131.90 1152 42.95
Cameroon (CMR) 1.33 0.76% 1.55 1.02 1,079.96 824 6.67
Canada (CAN) 12.00 0.00% 12.00 0.87 4,536.00 2437 21.56
Cape Verde (CPV) 29.14 1335.47% 29.14 1.11 9,965.88 76 1265.09
Cayman Islands (CYM) 1.92 -1.75% 1.14 1.00 207.36 88 27003.29
Central African Republic (CAF) 7.09 59.68% 7.09 0.91 2,517.48 819 29.29
Chad (TCD) 1.35 0.00% 3.99 1.28 337.50 849 28.03
Chile (CHL) 7.36 -7.88% 7.99 0.85 2,580.77 980 28.22
China (CHN) 8.57 0.00% 12.99 0.00 2,699.55 2098 20.22
Christmas Island (CXR) 0.33 312.50% 0.33 0.08 98.67 299 17.83
Cocos (Keeling) Islands (CCK) 0.52 2500.00% 0.52 0.02 218.40 420 42.62
Colombia (COL) 2.55 2.00% 2.55 0.15 1,802.85 811 8.60
Comoros (COM) 0.05 0.00% 0.05 0.05 10.05 200 17.96
Congo (COG) 1.57 -1.88% 1.60 0.60 549.50 381 16.20
Congo, Democratic Republic of the (COD) 1.57 -0.63% 1.58 0.80 858.79 635 21.86
Cook Islands (COK) 0.86 72.00% 0.86 0.50 172.00 200 33.77
Costa Rica (CRI) 1.63 0.00% 1.68 0.80 1,004.08 686 8.80
Croatia (HRV) 1.15 0.00% 1.45 0.50 460.00 426 10.88
Cuba (CUB) 6.01 0.00% 10.00 0.01 1,436.39 1006 25.99
Cyprus (CYP) 1.60 0.00% 1.60 1.25 726.40 485 14.61
Czech Republic (CZE) 8.35 -5.01% 25.00 0.50 4,702.65 994 27.34
Denmark (DNK) 3.42 2.34% 5.00 0.96 1,562.94 1569 2303.13
Djibouti (DJI) 6.24 20.00% 6.24 0.64 1,092.00 266 24.19
Dominica (DMA) 1.09 -1.00% 1.18 0.10 132.98 282 61.66
Dominican Republic (DOM) 1.84 8.24% 1.84 1.37 914.48 497 20.22
Ecuador (ECU) 2.89 2.42% 1.69 0.75 690.71 312 30.93
Egypt (EGY) 8.09 24.46% 8.09 1.00 4,894.45 1923 15.42
El Salvador (SLV) 45.62 4416.83% 45.62 1.01 12,317.40 314 1071.55
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ) 0.40 -14.89% 0.47 0.40 64.40 321 24.10
Eritrea (ERI) 1.25 5.04% 1.25 0.84 628.75 503 13.49
Estonia (EST) 2.52 -4.52% 1.55 1.44 677.88 269 16.88
Ethiopia (ETH) 1.43 44.44% 1.78 0.99 829.40 536 9.13
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (FLK) 0.17 13.33% 0.25 0.14 50.32 346 180.35
Faroe Islands (FRO) 2.50 0.00% 17.17 0.01 1,505.00 1662 24.97
Fiji (FJI) 3.50 171.32% 3.50 1.07 1,074.50 170 62.44
Finland (FIN) 1.11 -62.88% 2.99 1.09 368.52 838 548.98
France (FRA) 6.95 0.00% 6.95 0.84 1,577.65 1473 22.27
French Guiana (GUF) 5.99 24.80% 5.99 4.80 1,563.39 2 732.42
French Polynesia (PYF) 1.91 148.05% 1.91 0.17 393.46 206 13.15
French Southern Territories (ATF) 6.07 18.09% 6.75 0.01 3,084.00 1804 11.50
Gabon (GAB) 0.11 809.09% 2.22 0.10 71.83 762 10.89
Gambia (GMB) 1.20 -2.44% 1.23 0.25 120.00 80 34768.02
Georgia (GEO) 2.96 26.59% 6.95 1.11 390.72 632 43.04
Germany (DEU) 6.09 30350.00% 6.95 0.02 1,084.02 1558 28.60
Ghana (GHA) 6.22 0.00% 6.22 1.09 3,725.78 1368 7.74
Gibraltar (GIB) 0.25 0.00% 2.57 0.25 30.00 130 29.34
Greece (GRC) 9.09 62.03% 9.09 0.24 3,298.68 2440 8.95
Greenland (GRL) 1.11 -9.02% 1.22 1.11 305.25 275 7.71
Grenada (GRD) 75.56 0.00% 75.56 0.75 23,121.36 127 732.85
Guadeloupe (GLP) 64.40 0.00% 80.50 0.10 19,513.20 45 2163.42
Guam (GUM) 1.36 -0.73% 1.37 0.80 595.68 466 6.59
Guatemala (GTM) 800.00 46367.33% 800.00 0.46 97,600.00 328 14126.45
Guernsey (GGY) 3.45 -17.66% 5.00 0.90 734.85 333 32.78
Guinea (GIN) 1.94 0.00% 1.94 0.63 461.72 633 24.37
Guinea-Bissau (GNB) 15.31 107.45% 15.31 0.06 2,221.38 306 14.20
Guyana (GUY) 1.29 -81.57% 7.00 1.20 452.79 351 18.46
Haiti (HTI) 8.50 136.77% 8.50 1.23 660.56 850 80.50
Heard Island and McDonald Islands (HMD) 0.32 0.00% 0.32 0.12 101.12 313 19.74
Holy See (Vatican City State) (VAT) 4.99 0.00% 5.24 0.30 3,378.23 1438 10.62
Honduras (HND) 4.85 0.00% 5.47 1.58 2,308.60 905 21.99
Hong Kong (HKG) 1.24 -31.49% 1.87 0.20 489.80 823 12.81
Hungary (HUN) 7.82 -4.98% 18.84 1.20 2,872.27 879 41.72
Iceland (ISL) 4.28 -9.89% 11.05 0.80 3,339.25 1724 7.84
India (IND) 4.80 0.00% 13.90 0.95 1,123.20 759 181.34
Indonesia (IDN) 2.40 30.43% 2.63 1.01 645.60 781 19.59
Iran, Islamic Republic of (IRN) 6.46 0.00% 16.00 0.75 2,002.60 1296 20.38
Iraq (IRQ) 1.73 22.00% 89.00 0.66 576.09 585 1566.35
Ireland (IRL) 19.27 0.00% 24.09 0.98 7,573.11 1624 36.67
Isle of Man (IMN) 1.78 4.71% 1.78 0.40 1,085.80 610 57.91
Israel (ISR) 8.41 0.00% 13.34 0.93 5,828.13 1480 10.38
Italy (ITA) 7.16 103.41% 7.50 0.20 1,546.56 1463 37.88
Ivory Coast (CIV) 1.50 3.45% 1.65 0.50 949.50 653 42.71
Jamaica (JAM) 5.33 -10.57% 10.00 0.35 3,272.62 1787 11.99
Japan (JPN) 18.55 25.00% 18.55 1.00 6,499.92 2686 10.62
Jersey (JEY) 3.07 80.91% 1.99 0.90 878.02 1045 17.89
Jordan (JOR) 8.99 0.00% 8.99 1.05 6,922.30 2056 7.15
Kazakhstan (KAZ) 6.58 40.60% 6.58 0.48 1,165.32 373 29.28
Kenya (KEN) 6.20 5.98% 10.00 0.78 4,030.65 1435 12.01
Kiribati (KIR) 1.94 0.00% 1.94 0.02 583.94 304 22.93
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (PRK) 7.51 0.00% 7.51 1.00 3,514.68 2564 10.36
Korea, Republic of (KOR) 1.90 63.64% 2.65 0.63 758.10 762 12.11
Kuwait (KWT) 6.61 -11.16% 12.50 1.00 4,672.32 675 25.34
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) 1.00 0.00% 1.59 0.07 303.00 353 17.28
Lao People's Democratic Republic (LAO) 0.53 6.00% 0.53 0.06 314.82 799 4.76
Latvia (LVA) 2.96 -18.90% 4.06 0.80 1,124.80 468 107.23
Lebanon (LBN) 1.70 -3.41% 2.20 1.00 826.20 1006 6.10
Lesotho (LSO) 1.12 4.67% 1.12 0.77 322.56 329 7.75
Liberia (LBR) 5.24 0.00% 5.24 1.25 1,006.08 262 16.00
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LBY) 1.09 -3.54% 3.25 0.01 430.55 962 13.39
Liechtenstein (LIE) 1.32 10.00% 1.32 0.75 496.32 726 9.08
Lithuania (LTU) 1.33 -12.50% 1.52 0.30 738.15 635 6.17
Luxembourg (LUX) 2.69 10.25% 2.69 1.30 1,624.76 671 7.01
Macao (MAC) 51.08 0.00% 68.12 51.08 5,108.00 6 2098.99
North Macedonia (MKD) 2.64 -20.00% 4.12 1.00 1,234.20 1089 32.98
Madagascar (MDG) 1.50 -38.11% 2.56 0.23 831.00 907 4.49
Malawi (MWI) 1.33 1.53% 1.33 0.50 849.87 667 6.35
Malaysia (MYS) 2.00 -31.51% 2.92 1.09 1,352.00 680 5.01
Maldives (MDV) 2.12 112.00% 2.12 1.00 854.36 403 7.11
Mali (MLI) 1.64 -1.18% 1.69 0.80 705.20 432 9.02
Malta (MLT) 1.54 6.21% 1.54 1.00 361.90 235 14.01
Marshall Islands (MHL) 0.93 0.00% 251.10 None 641.21
Martinique (MTQ) 1.27 0.00% 1.27 1.27 254.00 200 12.58
Mauritania (MRT) 1.23 89.23% 1.23 0.40 269.37 149 10.20
Mauritius (MUS) 1.27 -2.31% 1.30 1.00 207.01 162 24.81
Mayotte (MYT) 0.25 127.27% 0.25 0.11 101.00 404 6.06
Mexico (MEX) 5.70 0.00% 7.03 0.20 1,151.40 1043 21.16
Micronesia, Federated States of (FSM) 0.93 0.00% 0.93 0.93 207.39 98 10.57
Moldova, Republic of (MDA) 0.37 -69.17% 1.20 0.37 52.17 139 38.23
Monaco (MCO) 1.70 8.97% 1.75 1.54 1,020.00 1108 7.00
Mongolia (MNG) 1.31 -2.24% 1.34 1.00 884.25 561 4.81
Montenegro (MNE) 1.96 1.03% 1.96 0.42 392.00 200 14.69
Montserrat (MSR) 1000.00 -99.90% 1000.00 0.19 292,000.00 754 2373.84
Morocco (MAR) 4.67 0.00% 4.67 0.95 1,919.37 762 14.22
Mozambique (MOZ) 1.01 0.00% 1.36 0.00 248.46 348 11.53
Myanmar (MMR) 2.76 0.00% 13.33 0.49 2,039.64 1936 5.16
Namibia (NAM) 1.59 6.00% 1.59 0.83 235.32 209 13.26
Nauru (NRU) 1.00 8.89% 0.98 0.85 153.00 163 16.57
Nepal (NPL) 2.78 39.00% 3.00 1.03 1,023.04 367 8.30
Netherlands (NLD) 2.92 15.87% 2.92 1.05 855.56 833 16.64
Netherlands Antilles (ANT) 0.61 0.00% 0.61 0.61 122.00 200 13.39
New Caledonia (NCL) 1.14 0.00% 8.00 1.39 632.70 227 34.46
New Zealand (NZL) 2.89 -24.38% 8.49 0.20 653.14 1697 3831.67
Nicaragua (NIC) 1.66 3.11% 1.66 1.51 1,105.56 666 8.88
Niger (NER) 1.40 14.75% 1.40 1.22 383.60 229 13.46
Nigeria (NGA) 5.12 -20.00% 10.00 1.25 3,635.20 1496 9.34
Niue (NIU) 0.12 71.43% 0.12 0.07 32.40 270 130.69
Norfolk Island (NFK) 0.10 5492.26% 5.59 0.06 53.90 404 42.17
Northern Mariana Islands (MNP) 0.80 1900.00% 0.80 0.04 216.00 270 9.26
Norway (NOR) 1.92 93.94% 2.00 0.21 597.12 499 14.86
Oman (OMN) 2.26 -11.72% 5.74 1.48 1,228.80 1237 8.93
Pakistan (PAK) 5.66 0.00% 6.24 0.84 1,981.00 1665 13.61
Palau (PLW) 0.93 27.40% 0.93 0.73 143.22 154 26.18
Palestinian Territory, Occupied (PSE) 1.02 -22.55% 1.59 0.03 598.74 981 7.04
Panama (PAN) 0.74 0.00% 2.26 1.05 356.68 512 2406.14
Papua New Guinea (PNG) 1.63 24.43% 1.68 0.70 567.24 424 6.26
Paraguay (PRY) 1.45 141.67% 1.45 0.60 304.50 540 18.58
Peru (PER) 3.34 -19.90% 5.27 1.10 2,401.92 961 6.88
Philippines (PHL) 1.69 6.29% 1.69 0.90 721.63 452 9.08
Pitcairn (PCN) 1.86 86.00% 1.86 0.01 1,117.86 601 3.37
Poland (POL) 4.23 -20.04% 6.61 1.00 2,650.29 1343 11.01
Portugal (PRT) 2.81 146.55% 6.21 0.45 1,421.86 1160 232.45
Puerto Rico (PRI) 1.61 -0.61% 1.65 1.61 644.00 400 6.68
Qatar (QAT) 2.53 8.03% 2.96 1.40 2,218.81 945 3.91
Romania (ROU) 2.47 2.92% 2.47 1.27 775.58 449 11.72
Russian Federation (RUS) 1.81 0.00% 1.81 0.61 1,176.50 784 6.96
Rwanda (RWA) 1.37 0.00% 1.37 1.00 202.76 148 15.12
Saint Barthelemy (BLM) 1.00 -75.00% 200.00 0.01 280.00 290 10.05
Saint Helena (SHN) 2.34 387.50% 2.34 0.03 1,319.76 894 4.38
Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA) 1.00 0.00% 1.00 0.04 453.00 740 75.91
Saint Lucia (LCA) 1.81 1192.86% 1.81 0.14 434.40 240 10.45
Saint Martin (French part) (MAF) 6.45 13.70% 6.45 5.67 1,683.45 2 469.41
Saint Pierre and Miquelon (SPM) 3.82 0.00% 4.77 0.03 2,150.66 1688 17.67
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT) 0.56 12.00% 0.66 0.20 225.12 798 10.64
Samoa (WSM) 1.22 -6.15% 1.30 0.55 512.40 430 5.18
San Marino (SMR) 0.60 1.69% 0.60 0.32 120.00 600 19.71
Sao Tome and Principe (STP) 1.73 2.37% 1.73 0.25 878.84 497 5.55
Saudi Arabia (SAU) 1.12 216.17% 3.54 1.11 792.96 856 4.28
Senegal (SEN) 1.50 5.63% 1.50 1.40 859.50 504 6.92
Serbia (SRB) 5.00 0.00% 50.00 0.87 2,615.00 1290 6.14
Seychelles (SYC) 0.84 7.69% 0.84 0.64 122.64 211 34.41
Sierra Leone (SLE) 2.33 86.40% 2.33 1.00 680.36 338 8.31
Singapore (SGP) 0.77 -32.76% 2.90 0.98 413.49 1090 6.51
Slovakia (SVK) 1.97 32.21% 1.97 0.50 1,698.14 866 3.77
Slovenia (SVN) 6.48 20.00% 6.48 1.00 1,161.00 996 15.91
Solomon Islands (SLB) 0.75 11.94% 1.15 0.25 270.75 649 6.24
Somalia (SOM) 1.53 -80.88% 8.00 0.80 521.73 403 9.19
South Africa (ZAF) 6.99 0.00% 29.99 1.17 4,277.88 2104 15.14
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS) 1.13 0.00% 1.15 1.00 299.45 209 18.00
Spain (ESP) 34.26 -19.99% 183533.34 0.94 28,346.84 848 48.70
Sri Lanka (LKA) 1.45 347.30% 6.49 0.80 662.65 570 5.36
Sudan (SDN) 5.67 0.00% 7.58 0.80 4,643.73 1755 5.35
Suriname (SUR) 1.25 0.00% 0.05 0.05 250.00 200 13.39
Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJM) 0.98 0.00% 0.50 0.12 200.90 204 13.52
Swaziland (SWZ) 1.90 167.61% 1.90 0.71 315.40 166 23.88
Sweden (SWE) 4.09 0.00% 4.49 1.00 985.69 1260 20.47
Switzerland (CHE) 1.63 -4.68% 1.99 0.80 1,235.54 888 5.50
Syrian Arab Republic (SYR) 1.30 -80.00% 6.50 0.14 963.30 3297 3.62
Taiwan, Province of China (TWN) 5.36 -33.99% 8.12 0.88 5,075.00 1467 5.53
Tajikistan (TJK) 1.13 -0.88% 1.14 1.13 119.78 86 20272.96
Tanzania, United Republic of (TZA) 4.80 -9.43% 5.65 1.43 2,064.00 1349 8.17
Thailand (THA) 3.58 -19.55% 4.49 1.00 1,882.35 1670 8.98
Timor-Leste (TLS) 1.72 57.80% 1.72 1.07 1,713.12 996 2.40
Togo (TGO) 0.21 -83.46% 1.30 0.21 64.05 484 14.08
Tokelau (TKL) 0.63 152.00% 3.00 0.02 363.51 1008 4.31
Tonga (TON) 2.16 77.05% 2.16 1.21 972.00 450 553.61
Trinidad and Tobago (TTO) 1.00 -15.97% 1.24 1.00 353.00 322 62.73
Tunisia (TUN) 1.25 -75.00% 5.00 1.00 485.00 653 6.59
Turkey (TUR) 6.04 -9.99% 11.04 1.00 2,449.15 1222 14.35
Turkmenistan (TKM) 1.16 -6.45% 1.24 0.24 415.28 402 12.28
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA) 0.84 62.38% 12.99 0.10 86.52 104 38.32
Tuvalu (TUV) 1.32 -31.25% 1.94 0.03 1,188.00 920 3.14
Uganda (UGA) 1.00 -58.33% 2.41 1.00 582.00 723 7.85
Ukraine (UKR) 1.75 0.00% 3.23 1.55 1,050.00 690 7.32
United Arab Emirates (ARE) 23.58 12.10% 57.58 0.20 20,160.90 1792 58.58
United Kingdom (GBR) 10.96 0.00% 20.00 0.00 6,795.20 2220 13.41
United States (USA) 10.91 -2.76% 13.85 1.00 5,643.66 2952 17.12
United States Minor Outlying Islands (UMI) 0.12 0.00% 1.00 0.01 87.48 925 4.18
Uruguay (URY) 3.60 -16.67% 5.13 1.45 2,017.44 685 9.27
Uzbekistan (UZB) 2.24 72.31% 2.24 1.30 831.04 371 9.02
Vanuatu (VUT) 1.63 -33.47% 3.00 0.07 1,029.00 682 13.57
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (VEN) 9.00 0.00% 9.00 1.37 3,042.00 905 15.65
Viet Nam (VNM) 1.46 -27.72% 2.09 0.45 522.68 691 10.42
Virgin Islands, British (VGB) 25.18 -10.01% 47.39 25.18 2,798.00 13 962.28
Virgin Islands,U.S. (VIR) 0.99 -24.43% 1.50 0.89 539.55 889 4.09
Wallis and Futuna (WLF) 1.66 -20.57% 2.50 0.01 1,251.91 1707 8.31
Western Sahara (ESH) 1.74 -33.33% 2.61 0.22 1,626.03 1427 8.53
Yemen (YEM) 1.93 -49.01% 3.02 1.27 407.23 217 6483.04
Zambia (ZMB) 5.31 -20.03% 11.11 0.34 3,074.32 1785 10.14
Zimbabwe (ZWE) 1.47 52.31% 0.99 0.65 161.70 220 18.05