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Market data for Togo


A country based entity representing Togo

Popularity is calculated according to the number of hits on the Live News Search Engine.

FS Club Bulletins: Togo
  Market Data
Launched 2022-Jun-14
P/E Ratio 14.08
Best Offer Price 3.87
Dividends Paid 1333.56
Trades 12
Volume 484
Min 0.21
Max 1.30
Avg 1.03

Monthly Transactions for Togo

Month Trades Volume Min Max Avg
2014/5 1 52 zoint0.21 zoint0.21 zoint0.21
2011/1 1 141 zoint1.27 zoint1.27 zoint1.27
2010/10 1 31 zoint1.25 zoint1.25 zoint1.25
2010/9 1 14 zoint1.25 zoint1.25 zoint1.25
2010/7 4 94 zoint0.72 zoint1.25 zoint0.91
2010/4 1 5 zoint0.95 zoint0.95 zoint0.95
2010/3 1 25 zoint1.30 zoint1.30 zoint1.30
2010/1 2 122 zoint1.22 zoint1.22 zoint1.22
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